

Today was a rough day. My energy felt all out of whack — I had some interactions with people I love yesterday that were out of the norm and it felt like that energy was looming over. I tried to shake it from my body in my morning workout and it just continued to consume my mind. Now, I’ve realized part of what I was grasping onto and what was giving this energy so much control over me was fear.

I recently wrote this post on vibrational frequencies and fully believe and have adopted this mentality and behavioral pattern. Especially since after leaning into it more heavily, everything has felt even more deeply in a state of flow. While this is amazing and completely attainable for anyone who chooses to lean into the concept, I realized I was viewing it as an ‘all or nothing’ approach and, as a result, repelling what would be categorized as a low vibrational thought or behavior in fear of ‘losing my flow’.

The reality of the situation is A) flow is not something you can lose overnight, B) your vibrational energy will not shift based on one thought or one off day, week, or month, and C) there is a natural balance to all aspects of life that is both necessary and cathartic and it would be unhealthy and un-human to reject those emotions. Being human means being able to feel. To accept every emotion and allow them to come through us, teach us what they are meant to, and notice that they are fleeting feelings that do not need to be all consuming.

This stuck energy also reminded me the importance of processing. It has become a natural human tendency to run from our emotions, to suppress certain feelings and distract ourselves, and/or to avoid them altogether. I have definitely fallen into the avoidance category myself in my past. The problem with that coping mechanism is those emotions become stuck. Stuck in our minds, stuck in our physical bodies, and eventually stuck in our energetic fields. That is when they bring down our vibration, not just because they’ve popped up in the first place.

These situations or feelings present themselves for a reason. If we don’t learn how to allow them to move through us or dig deeper to uncover the meaning behind why they’re popped up in the first place then we give all our control away AND the patterns repeat themselves in slightly different forms. We can’t truly appreciate the brightness until we’ve walked through some of the dark. The dark is not something to fear, it illuminates what we need to pay attention to — like stars in the night sky.

Once I came to that realization, I let it flow. I talked about my feelings, I felt sad for myself, I cried, I laid with my puppy in my bed and by late in the evening I felt better. I felt normal and back to myself, back to my state of flow. Noticing that it never left, it was ready to meet me once I opened the door. Ultimately, I am truly filled with gratitude for the experience. Not only did this stuck energy show up for me to work through the specific issue I was internalizing, but also to teach me not to fear lower vibrational thoughts or conversations. To reflect on the magnitude and importance of processing. It took me quite some time to understand and appreciate the concept so hopefully, should you find this post, it’ll shine some light on that a little sooner for you.



Grief and Holidays


Vibrational Frequencies