Welcome, friend!
I’m touched and honored that you’ve found yourself here. My name is Sam and I’ve created this website to help bring to light the simplicity of connecting to your higher self and living to your truest potential. Health, wellness, and spirituality or energetic connection are available to everyone and easier to achieve than they can sometimes be made out to be. Whether you’re the healthiest human on earth, a light being, a party animal, a Dorito-loving carnivore, or something very much in between you’ll find incredibly simple and relatable ways to uplevel your well-being both physically and energetically.
I’m a Reiki Master, recipe developer, and yoga/meditation teacher combining all those modalities to showcase how easy it is to incorporate quick practices or easy swaps to make feeling your best and fostering a deeper internal connection achievable. I’ve been through my fair share of grief and hardship, soul searching, self-loathing, and feelings of inadequacy that have brought me to this place. I am hopeful that sharing my experience and pro-tips will help others awaken to their purpose and feel their best. Of course, all paths are perfect and unfold exactly as they should, so if you find anything helpful here then just know that it is intended to enhance your unique existence.
Within these posts, you’ll learn more about my journey and find mostly relatable content that makes loving yourself deeply and prioritizing your health and wellness to feel GOOD in your body without judgment or self-doubt feel super simple. So, go ahead and dig in for some really delicious nourishing recipes, soul connection, collaborations, meditative techniques, and so so much more.
With so much love and gratitude,