Vibrational Frequencies


This weekend I had the privilege of taking an on-demand version of The Class hosted by Taryn Toomey herself. I have a borderline obsession with their style of movement and the messages each instructor leaves you with as it is, but this particular class had resonated deeply within my soul and dislodged some thought patterns I was unknowingly holding onto. Taryn briefly referenced low and high vibrations and the power of our words and thought patterns. Her message reminded me of how truly powerful this concept and way of life is. It’s been quite some time since I’ve embodied those thoughts myself and since I needed the reminder, I thought someone else might too.


As a baseline, let’s talk about vibrational frequency itself. Increasing your personal frequency (or essentially leveling up) sounds a little ‘woo-woo’ or a bit like magic, but it actually is rooted in science and very attainable when you consider the overall concept.  Everything in the universe, in our world, is made up of energy vibrating at a certain frequency. The atoms in the chair you are sitting on right now are vibrating a certain current that’s causing it to hold you up. Which means, that our entire being is also made up of that energy and our level of vibration describes our overall state. This includes a combination of all our energetic fields: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Unlike the chair you are sitting in, we are living, changing creatures that have control over our world and the beauty of that is that we also have control over our state and frequency.


Have you ever felt like you were in a state of flow? That things were just working. You won something, got the job you were hoping for, landed an awesome deal on an apartment or something that just fell into place. From there, you rode that wave and things just continued to funnel in? In the words of Lacy Phillips, maybe you felt magnetic? In those moments, you were vibrating at a higher frequency and as a result attracting other items that were also at that frequency.


Taking it one step further we must briefly discuss the Law of Attraction. Another concept that may seem a little bit out there, but again scientifically consider that like attracts like. It’s the reason you gravitate towards certain types of people, jobs, situations, animals, places in nature, etc. If your frequency matches that of another living thing you tend to be drawn to it.


So, how do we control or up-level our frequency? First, we have to take inventory of where we’re placing our attention. Awareness is key and step one of the process. I’d encourage you to make a list of all the things you are either happy or unhappy with and then where you spend most of your time. From there, are you often critical of those things or supportive of your growth journey? I’ve created the chart below that lists high and low vibrational concepts and practices. This is just a small reference point that allows you to visualize the energy of these items and expand further where it relates to your daily life. These frequencies can show up in your judgement or comparison of others, the group of friends you surround yourself with, the space you live in, think outside of the energetic box, so to speak.

Where the largest part of this power lies is in our thoughts. To reference Lacy Phillips again, she often says that your thoughts are not that powerful, and won’t just immediately manifest into what you’re envisioning. While that may be true and we can’t just imagine a puppy into existence, I’d argue that your thoughts are exceptionally powerful. Not only do they directly create your results (for more on this concept listen to this podcast episode of Yoga Boss by Jackie Skinner), but they also directly correlate to your vibrational frequency.


The second greatest area of our vibrational control exists in our external communication and internal dialogue. This is where I struggled the most and what had bogged my down for far too much time, my negative self-talk was bringing down my vibration. My thoughts and lack of self-worth were keeping me small, inhibiting me from attracting the things I was seeking and pursuing my passions.


So, how do you magically fix this and vibrate higher? It’s not magic, but it is a practice. Just like yoga, learning to draw, playing an instrument, dancing, or cultivating any skill. When you were a child you likely had to work to improve your talents at something. Sure, some things come naturally, but you get better and better at it the more effort you put in. You might get discouraged from time to time, but you still put in the work. Cultivating new thoughts and self-talk is the same. Start with your awareness, observe the thought you just had, notice what frequency it might be vibrating at and then actively choose one that serves you more. It might feel funny at first, but the things we repeat we strengthen. So push through and keep repeating. Surround yourself with like-minded people who lift you up, spend time in nature, nourish your body with foods that make you feel energetic. Through the discomfort comes growth and know that everything you want to call in is truly on the other side.  


You have the power to shift your frequency, to increase your energy, and reshape your life. So, the next time you find yourself gossiping, judging someone’s behavior, or being overly self-critical, notice where it’s coming from and ask if that’s the energy you want to cultivate more of. If it’s not, make the shift, rinse, and repeat.



